UltraChm is a Windows CHM file reader with enhancements. It has a number of features that are absent in the default Windows CHM reader. You can read your CHM files with point-and-click operations with a better and faster search functionality. The GUI is completely streamlined, with a nice visual touch to it. The Bookmark feature is also very well laid out, very useful for users who want to read certain pages in the file again and again. Zoom In and Zoom Out functions are very useful as you can utilize them to read certain parts of the file, a very nice feature for visually impaired. The inbuilt extractor allows you to extract certain pages from the file, a much needed feature missing in Windows CHM reader. The CHM file can also be read in the full screen mode. But the most important feature in this version is that you can make your notes with highlights to the files directly. You can highlight important parts of your file with colors of your choice and when you have done it, you can erase these highlights.